Wednesday, May 13, 2015

on being a responsible writer, and stories that wake you at midnight

Sometimes I get ideas in the middle of the night. Other times, I get coaching. Basically I think it's the book trying to write itself and it's getting frustrated with my sketchy memory, my limited ability and my carefree dabbling in the writer's craft.
Here's the thing. People who know me well know this about me. I have a very good memory for things that are of little importance to real life. I remember Smells. Tastes. Colours and Sounds. I remember the essence of the person. That they were musical or shrewd, generous or failing in their opportunity to be a good person.
I don't remember names well. Or locations. And so. The details of this book/blog, to those in the know, may seem muddled. When I realize I have confused something, I will attempt to make it obvious with a disclaimer, such as the one which follows here:
I am not sure that I have ever been to the actual E-den. The club I described may or may not have been in Dansui. It was a fair taxi ride from my garden home by the river, and the recounting was accurate. Some of the names of people in these stories may also seem confused to those I have met and still know online.
If you were given an impersonal name in this book, it's because I am writing my memories and you may or may not want to be identified in them. If your actual name was used in this book, it's because you do not require protecting.
If you remember these moments and have your own story to tell that differs from mine, if you too have stories that wake you up in the middle of the night, screaming "don't forget about me!"
I suggest you write your own book.

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